
Welcome to Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings: We are a South African and European consulting firm that provides financial related services to both public and private corporations.  Since 2000, we have been offering our American, Australian, Chinese, Canadian and British clients a wide range of financial services and creative IR strategies throughout Europe.  These services include:

  • Primary- and dual-listings of the Company’s shares on European stock exchanges such as Frankfurt, the AIM (Alternative Investment Market) or Plus Markets (London).
  • Structuring and implementing comprehensive IR/PR campaigns designed to maximize the dissemination of corporate information to potential retail investors in Europe – predominantly in Germany.
  • Assisting Companies in raising capital and expanding their institutional base in the major European financial communities.
  • An effective way of achieving a higher market-cap and additional sponsorship for your corporation is via a Cross-Border Listing (dual listing) – i.e. PLUS Markets and a European Stock Exchange.
  • We have the expertise to assist you with all of the applications and filing requirements to have your company approved for trading within a couple of weeks after the first applications are in and we select the local German specialist firm to sponsor your daily trading and settlements.

The benefits to your company from listing on Frankfurt are:

  • Increased international exposure.
  • Ability to raise equity capital in Europe.
  • Enhanced shareholder value.
  • Increased Market-Making commitments.

Initial Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listing Package € 75,000 includes:

  • Initial consultation and application for the Frankfurt Stock Listing
  • Press release announcing your company’s Frankfurt Stock Exchange approval
  • Specialist setup & maintaining of the electronic Order Book on your company’s shares
  • Issuance of an ISIN number.
  • Routing and processing of bid and ask orders
  • Clearing and tracking of the electronic register
  • Real-time quotes with Worldwide access from all  European financial portals (in Java)
  • Monitoring of new threads of leading Financial Community Message Boards in Europe including Comdirect.de, Wallstreet-online.de, CortalConsors.de, financial.de, etc.
  • Once your company is approved for trading it will enable you to increase investor awareness across the EU resulting in the ability to raise additional funds through equity sales.
Next Step:Become a Publicly Traded Listing in 4 to 5 weeks!
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